Monday, March 16, 2009

Free book - Walking in Faith

Walking In Faith is a POWERFUL testimony of God's healing power and the importance of learning how to "Receive From God" This anointed book is jam-packed with Tim Greenwood's practical, down to earth, Bible based teaching. If you need to receive healing, or know someone that does, or just want to get blessed, order this book now. Aside from the Bible, this may be the most important book you ever read!

We get so excited reading all of the testimonies of healing, deliverance and salvation that have come to pass as the fruit of this little book. Tremendous fruit has already been produced for the Lord.

In 1998, I was directed by the Holy Spirit to write and publish Walking in Faith. I was further directed to "Sow them into the lives of those that need them" -- by providing a postage paid, free copy of Walking in Faith to all those that request one. None have been distributed in unsolicited mailings, or randomly passed out like tracts.

Get your free book at HERE