Monday, March 16, 2009

Free CD of Adi Da and Adidam

Taken from their website:

This website is an online version of an uncommon book: Adi Da and Adidam.

By publishing this book, both online and in print, we are sharing most profound news — that the Divine Avatar, Adi Da Samraj, is alive, now, in our time.

To find Avatar Adi Da Samraj is to find the Very Heart of Reality — tangibly felt in your own heart as the Deepest Truth of Existence.

This is the great mystery that you are invited to discover.

We are pleased to offer an anthology CD of Avatar Adi Da speaking with His devotees. This CD is free to anyone who would like to learn more about Him.

The selection of Talks included here was taken from throughout the 30 years of Avatar Adi Da's formal Teaching-Work. The topics include:

1. "Radical" understanding of the ego
2. The devotional relationship to the Spiritual Master
3. The lesson of life
4. The true nature of Real God
5. A criticism of scientific materialism
6. His Divine Self-Confession, and more

We will ship your free CD to you within a few days at no charge, and we will keep your personal information strictly private.

You will also receive a short email notice when new articles are available in our online magazine (about twice a month). You may un-subscribe from those notices at any time.

An automatic email reply will be sent to you as soon as you submit the form below. If you use a "whitelist" to control email spam, please add to your whitelist so you can receive our email and confirm your CD request.

Fill the form HERE